Robert T. Foster
For The Edmonton Journal
Robin Williams is my hero. He brought laughter and happiness to so many people, and we loved him. In a strange twist, through his death Williams has become an advocate for mental health disorders.
Mental health disease is pandemic; it knows no geographic, political or ethnic boundaries. It lies ready to pounce regardless of socioeconomic status or physical health.
The Canadian Mental Health Association reveals numbers that are both telling and disturbing: 20 per cent of Canadians will personally experience a mental health illness in their lifetime. The annual cost to the health-care system runs into the billions, with additional billions linked to loss of work productivity.
Almost five per cent of admissions to hospitals are related to mental health issues, including anxiety, bipolar disorders, major depressive disorders, low-grade depression, schizophrenia, personality disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD), impulse control, eating disorders, substance abuse and suicidal behaviour. Such disorders comprise the second highest cost of running a hospital in Canada.
Suicide is responsible for about 25 per cent of all deaths among 15- to 24-year-olds and 16 per cent among 25- to 44-year-olds. It’s one of the leading causes of death from adolescence to middle age.
Remember the early days of HIV infection? Ryan White, an American teen with hemophilia, was expelled from school in 1985. Since then, we have worked diligently to erase the stigma of HIV and AIDS and now have a plethora of antiviral drugs. According to the World Health Organization, at the end of 2013, some 35 million people were living with HIV. Globally, there are more than 350 million people living with depression. One million people across our planet die each year through suicide.
I am not trying to minimize the impact of HIV to somehow elevate mental health issues, but what I am saying is that we now understand HIV better and would be horrified to consider expelling an HIV-positive student.
It’s time to turn more of our attention to mental health.
Fear of labels
Treatment is not easy. For some, a single drug may help. In other cases, multiple drugs may be required. Still others may not seek help, perhaps because they are too sick or tired, or because they fear being labelled “mentally ill.”
It’s crucial to remember that mental illness is not related to a character flaw: It is an illness just like cancer, diabetes, heart attack and stroke.
I’ve made a career developing new drugs. But despite all my blessings, there were times where my world came crashing down. As someone familiar with how drugs work, I assumed there was one that could somehow make me feel “normal” — whatever normal is.
Other people I have known have taken their lives. When I was in my early teens, my friend’s father took his life. Later, in high school, a close friend ended his life. Today, I’ve watched as a half-dozen people I’ve known died by suicide. To many, these people seemed to live happy, healthy lives. But those closest to them likely witnessed tortured souls.
If a patient presents to a health-care provider with high blood pressure, for example, we administer drugs, take blood pressure measurements and watch “the numbers” to help determine the best course of action. When a patient presents with a complaint related to a mental illness, we also do our best to find out what’s wrong. Psychiatrists will often refer to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, but the reliability of the DSM has been criticized.
Unlike many other diseases, there is no simple, routine blood test that will reliably help diagnose the wide array of mental illness. Even if we could somehow get access to a patient’s brain, what part would we biopsy?
In the case of depression, we now have SSRIs, SNRIs, TCAs and MAOIs antidepressants. The TCAs and MAOIs were discovered in the 1950s, the SSRIs from the 1980s and the SNRIs from the 1990s.
Yet we still struggle to accurately diagnose and treat patients. We often cycle them through several iterations of treatment looking for the one drug that offers the best outcome. What if the reliability of the diagnosis based on the latest DSM is questioned? What if we use an antidepressant that may or may not work? What if the patient has other disorders mixed with depression? What if the patient is anxious or bipolar?
In many regards, the brain remains a black box. Even the United States Food and Drug Administration struggles with how best to advise development of drugs in the field. The FDA Guidance states, “The absence of useful laboratory measures of anxiety or depression is regrettable. The absence of reliable methods for measuring blood levels of almost all existing psychoactive drugs is equally regrettable …” In other words, it’s currently impossible to find a “number” for diagnosis and treatment.
Hell for family
Given my education and knowledge of drugs, I found an appropriate treatment to get me through the days that seemed bleakest. I was lucky that I was educated in science and medicine, because I assumed I had a good chance at figuring out what was happening. But in the meantime, my wife and kids went through hell.
Outwardly, Williams had it made. He was rich, famous, seemingly happy and made people laugh. I would bet his family could tell a somewhat different story.
Mental health patients often seek solace in alcohol and drugs, look to others to find happiness and crave a good night’s sleep. But for people like me, sleep medication fades reality throughout the entire day and it becomes increasingly difficult to discern what is and isn’t real. Behaviour can become erratic. I’m convinced a good friend committed suicide because he did not understand what he was doing. He could have been in a dream state, functioning more as an automaton.
There have been anecdotal reports of trans-Atlantic passengers taking sleep medication “waking” up at their final destination, only to realize that somewhere along the way, they made their international flight and terminal transfers. Alarmingly, they had no recollection of making those transfers. A colleague who’d taken sleep medication woke up prior to landing and realized he was in his seat wearing only his underwear and a blanket. He doesn’t remember removing his jeans and shirt. In his dream state, he was simply getting ready for bed.
I know these things for sure: Drugs that target the brain are potent, and there is no miracle cure for mental illness. We cannot look at a laboratory “number” that tells us what we need to know about diagnosis and treatment. While it can be treated, it takes time and perseverance, and requires counselling and physician visits.
Mental illness is treacherous and crafty; it doesn’t care if you are Winston Churchill, Ellen DeGeneres, Billy Joel or Heath Ledger. Although we’ve made great treatment advances, the elephant is still in the room. Human character, intelligence and courage will wrestle the beast.
Williams shone a light on that elephant, and that is why he remains my hero.
— Robert T. Foster, PhD, M.Pharm., spent 10 years as a tenured professor at the University of Alberta in the faculty of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences and has more than 20 years’ experience as a senior executive in the pharmaceutical industry.
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